Before embarking on any operation to import goods into Cameroon from the EU, with the hope to benefit from the advantages of the EPA:
- Make sure that the product to be imported is eligible for EPA preferential tariffs and check the residual customs duty, if any (level of tariff dismantling).
You have two options for this:
1. You can visit the website of the Customs Department to consult the lists of products eligible for EPA preferential tariffs. You will also find the list of products which do not require the payment of customs duties as well as those subject to a gradual reduction of customs duties.
If the product in question does not feature on the list, this means that the customs duty for that product remains fully applicable.
2. Ask your supplier in Europe to run a search for you on the Access2Markets platform.
- Make sure that the product offered by your supplier is of EU origin and that the supplier is able to provide you with documentary evidence of this.
Products originating from the EU that are covered by the benefits of the EPA can enjoy such benefits upon presentation of a EUR.1-CMR certificate or an invoice declaration when importing into Cameroon.
The EUR.1-CMR certificate can be obtained from the customs authorities of the EU Member State in which your supplier is based.
Invoice declarations may be made by "approved exporters" or in the case where one or more goods contain products originating from the EU for a total value not exceeding 6,000 Euros.
NB: It is advisable to include a clause in your commercial contracts with your supplier stating that a certificate and not a simple declaration of origin is required, and that the supplier is bound to provide you with such a certificate.