Opportunities - AGOA


What is AGOA ?

The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) constitutes the cornerstone of trade relations between the United States and Africa in the areas of trade and investment. This act was signed for the first time on 18 May 2000 and was extended to 2025. It accords tax-free treatment on almost all products exported by the beneficiary countries of Sub-Saharan Africa towards the United States.

AGOA provides the most liberal access to the beneficiary countries to American markets ever accorded to any country or region that has not negotiated a free-trade agreement with the United States. The advantages of AGOA have actually been extended to 38 Sub-Saharan African countries and to more than 1800 tariff lines, in addition to 4 600 articles already benefiting from tax exemptions within the framework of the United States Generalized Preferences System. The said system is aimed at promoting economic growth in developing countries by offering them a preferential deduction of custom duties for products from beneficiary developing countries and the great number of beneficiary less developed countries.

AGOA motivates African countries to become more globally competitive by instituting economic and commercial reforms. The main motivation is the possibility of exporting goods on a list of about 7 000 eligible to the United States without paying customs duty on imports. Exporting can be a difficult process, but it can equally be profitable for a person or firm that does it successfully. Exporters have to follow two steps in the procedure:

  1. national laws and regulations governing exports;
  2. laws and regulations governing imports from the destination country – in this case, the United States.

Regulations vary with the product and exporters have to do some research to be sure that their products meet the requirements for exports, in accordance with the eligibility of the product to AGOA.

AGOA African Country Eligibility

Angola Congo Brazzaville Madagascar Sao Tome
Afrique du Sud Djibouti Malawi Sénégal
Bénin Ethiopie Mali Seychelles
Botswana Gabon Mauritanie Sierra Leone
Burkina Faso Gambie Ile Maurice Soudan du Sud
Burundi Ghana Mozambique Swaziland
Cameroun Guinée Namibie Tanzanie
Cap Vert Guinée Bissau Niger Tchad
Centrafrique Kenya Nigeria Togo
Comores Lesotho République Démocratique du Congo Ouganda
Cote d'Ivoire Libéria Rwanda Zambie

Useful Links

Government Web Sites

  • www.agoa.gov/ : The official site on AGOA sponsored by the US Department of Trade contains up-to-date information on AGOA, including the addresses of other government agencies supporting AGOA.
  • www.agoa.info/ : This site is for Sub-Sahara Africa. Its objective is to help beneficiaries take advantage of the AGOA programme by providing a range of information with statistics.
  • www.ustr.gov/World_Regions/Africa/Section_Index.html : This site contains annual reports of the President of the United States on AGOA as well as all legislation relating to AGOA. The site equally contains links to other sites dealing with AGOA.
  • www.usda.gov/ : This official site of the United States Department of Agriculture provides information for producers and potential exporters on: the services in charge of agricultural exports; agricultural export marketing and inspection of plant and animal products.
  • www.ams.usda.gov/international/ : This international agricultural services site provides exporters and importers with information on: goods and  commercial product standards, scientific and intellectual property rights, markets and information relating to the means of transport.
  • www.aphis.usda.gov/is/ : This site provides information on international phytosanitary norms, pests risk evaluation, export licences and contacts of regional APHIS offices.
  • www.usgtn.net/ : This site which is sponsored by USAID is a trade fair open to buyers and sellers of agricultural products, textiles, handmade and manufactured products.
  • www.customs.gov/xp/cgov/import/ : This site provides any information relating to customs regulations and procedures for importing products to the United States.
  • www.portweb.usitc.gov/africa/ : This site which is hosted by the United States Committee for Trade contains the annual report on trade flows between the United States and Africa. It also contains studies and data relating to trade.
  • www.ustr.gov/Trade_Development/Preference_Programs/GSP/Section_Index.html : This site which belongs to the office of the United States Trade Representative contains information on the US Generalized System of Preferences (GSP).

Sites Concerning Funding And Investment

  • www.opic.gov/ : The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) is a United States government agency in charge of mobilising and facilitating American capital investment in the economies of developing countries.
  • www.exim.gov/ : EXIMB BANK is the American Government’s bank which finances exports throughout the world, notably Africa and the countries that have received the AGOA visa.
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Investment: AGOA Resource Centre in Douala

The African Growth and Opportunity Act was conceived to expand trade between the United States and eligible African countries. AGOA offers tax-free preferences for thousands of manufactured and processed products on the African continent. In order to further facilitate exports, AGOA Resource Centres were born throughout Africa including Cameroon.

Considered as real trade assistance centres, AGOA Resource Centres ensure orientation and provide the public with necessary information relating... Read more

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AGOA Forum: Togo obtains its textile visa

The 16th AGOA forum (African Growth and Opportunity Act) was opened on 8 August 2017 in Lome, in the presence of the representatives of the 38 eligible Sub-Saharan countries and American business men. The Togolese President Faure GNASSINGBE who was announced at the opening of the session was finally represented by his Prime Minister Mr. SELOM KOMI KLASSOU. Themed «The United States and Africa: Partnership for Prosperity through Trade», the Lome meeting was aimed at enabling... Read more

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AAEI takes shape

CNSC hosts the launch of US export activities.

On 28 November 2018, the American Chamber of Commerce of Cameroon (AMCHAM) and the African Women Entrepreneurship Programme Cameroon (AWEP) abbreviated AWEP AMCHAM EXPORT INITIATIVE (AAEI), launched their activities in Douala. The event was attended by Mrs. Sita Chakrawarti, Consul General of the Embassy of the United States. AAEI seeks to create a collaboration framework for boosting Cameroonian exports to the USA. The event brought together... Read more