Investments: The quest for Cameroon’s marble
Italian entrepreneurs are interested in the sectors of marble, building and public works. In fact, an Italian mission is in Cameroon since the 17th and would stay till the 20th of next October. The said mission comprises business men of the marble, building and public works sectors. Their schedule includes audiences with members of government in the sectors concerned, which are the Ministries of Public Works, Housing and Urban development, Mines and Technological Development and Economy. Apart from professional organisations in this domain, the Italian investors are going to meet the management of GICAM in Douala. This economic meeting is an aftermath of the visit of the Head of State in Rome from 20 to 23 of last March. Cameroon brims with marble deposits in Bidzar in the North Region evaluated at 2.5 million tons according to INS.
(Source Cameroon Business Today N°026 Octobre 2017)