The General Manager of the Cameroon National Shippers' Council (CNSC) hereby informs importers and exporters that, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 2023/19 of 19 December 2023 to establish the FINANCE LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON for the year 2024, shipping documents issued for the carriage of goods leaving or bound for Cameroon must, in addition to standard information, contain the following supplementary details:
- The commercial description of the goods;
- The tariff classification (HS Code);
- The first year of registration for imported vehicles;
To this end, persons engaged in the import and export of goods in Cameroon are required to submit the above-specified information to shipping lines and freight forwarders before the bill of lading is printed at the port of loading for imports, and prior to the submission of the cargo manifest for exports; 48 hours before the estimated departure date of the vessel.
Failure to comply with these legal provisions may expose offenders to the payment of a customs penalty ranging from CFAF 500,000 to CFAF 2,000,000. Shippers are therefore expected to observe the above requirements and keep copies of documents that can attest to the submission of the requested information.