Opportunities : Three hundred and sixty projects in the pipeline
The Ministry of Mines, Industry and Technological Development has set up a database of projects. In the area of agri-food, It holds that investors are needed to build ten production units for tomatoes and fruit juice, starch from maize, cassava and semolina, two sugar factories, the extension of banana factories in Penja, pepper in the Moungo, ten milk production units in Tignere, Garoua, Ngaoundere and Maroua, many plants for making flour from tubers, including cassava, yam, cocoyam, potato, taro. The list also contains three pasta production plants.
In the area of energy, there investment opportunities exist for the construction of five solar panel production units, three solar power plants to be incorporated into the national grid, 30 water catchments and treatment plants to be handed over to the Ministry of Water and Energy, etc.
In the sphere of health, the government is seeking investors for four pharmaceutical production plants (paracetamol, ibuprofen, anti-malarial drugs and so on.), three medical syringe production units (plastic medical consumables, complete infusions kits, syringes), two plastic prosthesis production units (legs), orthopaedic prostheses, etc.
The ICT sector requires four computer waste recycling plants, ten computer assembly units and computer accessories. The idea is to provide each Cameroonian with a computer.
(Source: Invest in Cameroon website 21 June 2018)