Maritime transport : CNSC receives the ISO 9001 certification
ECTN issuing process certified in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001 version 2015.
On 7 may 2018, the Cameroon National Shippers' Council (CNCC) officially received certification to International Standard ISO-9001 for its process of issuing the Electronic Cargo Tracking Note (ECTN) for maritime imports and exports from Bureau Véritas Cameroon. This ceremony was presided over by Jean Ernest Ngalle Bibehe, Minister of Transport. "This certification is the recognition and the expression of CNSC's constant quest for shippers' satisfaction," he said while lauding the CNSC's efforts.
After successfully going through a process that commenced in 2016 and comprised several evaluation audits conducted by experts, the CNSC is the first member council of the Union of African Shippers' Councils (UASC) to receive this certification. As a reminder, the ECTN is an identification document that is in force in Cameroon since 11 July 2006. It is one of the documents that a shipper must obtain in the process of clearing goods. It also covers statistical needs for identification, control of the cost of transport, safety and traceability of trade and goods bound for or coming from Cameroon.
The CNSC General Manager, Mr. Auguste Mbappe Penda received the precious sesame from his counterpart of Bureau Véritas for Cameroon and Gabon, Mr. Philippe DREAN under the approving eye of Mr. Laurent Delangle, Bureau Véritas Regional Director for Central Africa and many other guests from the international trade sector. "Through this certification, the CNSC aims to increase shippers' satisfaction in the ECTN issuance process [...]. The certification prompts us to work even harder in order to keep it," Mr. Auguste Mbappe Penda said. This international certification, which guarantees performance and transparency, falls within the overall vision of CNSC's Management that aims at putting shippers’ satisfaction at the centre of its activity and to make the CNSC a benchmark in the sector of activities in terms of quality of service.