Cement factory: A new company in Cameroon
About Nine billion F. That is the capital of EGIN in order to introduce a new type of cement in Cameroon called «Lion». The aim of the new company is to implant a cement factory that would produce 100% Cameroonian cement. The said cement would be available in the market by the second half of September 2017, or to be more precise, in October. The said cement factory shall be located in the industrial area of the Port Authority of Douala (PAD). «Civil engineering works and assembling the factory have already been completed by 90%. The various raw materials are being supplied», project head Jean Pierre Emmanuel Belobo said.
EGIN is the 5th cement factory set up in Cameroon after CIMENCAM, DANGOTE, CIMAF, MEDCEM, and it has a production capacity of about 4.2 billion tons of cement per annum. This capacity would be significantly increased. It is thus in a highly competitive market the new company is bound to find a place. Apart from a «higher quality of cement», EGIN SA intends to provide Cameroon with the latest technology in order to raise the quality of infrastructure and the capacity of the country in meeting the objectives of development by the 2035 horizon. For this purpose the company has recently signed an agreement with the Investment Promotion Agency, with the view to benefiting from the advantages of the law of 12 July 2017 on private investment in Cameroon.
Cameroon Tribune 14-09-2017