The CNSC supports PRODEL funding
The Livestock Development Project (PRODEL) seeks to improve the productivity of selected production systems and to provide an immediate and effective response in the event of a crisis or emergency in the livestock sector. It was in this vein that the World Bank, in collaboration with the Cameroon National Shippers' Council (CNSC) and the National Trade Facilitation Committee (CONAFE), organised a capacity-building seminar for entrepreneurs who received PRODEL funding in Yaoundé on 31 May 2023.
This training workshop was attended by experts from the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of the Economy, the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries, the Directorate General of Customs (DGD), ANOR, the CNSC and the Single Window for Foreign Trade Operations (GUCE). Presenting at the training workshop, Mr. Douglas Fernand Nolga, CNSC Centre Regional Branch Manager, briefed participants on the CNSC's missions, its role in the streamlining of foreign trade procedures and the facilitation of import cargo transport to Cameroon, as well as the promotion of the import-substitution policy in Cameroon.
At the end of this workshop, it was noticed that the 6,143,793,197 CFA francs allocated could not cover all 769 registered farmers' and breeders' associations in the northern regions. Consequently, PRODEL set up an anticipatory measure, organising meetings to explain the situation to these farmers' and breeders' associations, as well as to business persons in Maroua, Ngaoundéré and Garoua.
(Source:Summary Le Financier d'Afrique No. 1130 of 5 June 2023)