Port of Kribi
In order to facilitate trade and benefit from the facilities the Kribi Port offers to carriers, officials of the Port Authority of Kribi (PAK) and those of the Cameroon Land Transporters' Association (GTTC) held a working session on 18 August on the “Deployment of the Cameroon Land Transporters' Association (GTTC) in the port of Kribi: How to achieve that?"
Due to the corona virus pandemic, the working session took place via video conference in order to minimise the risk of contamination. The meeting enabled transporters to discuss the difficulties they face at the port of Kribi, notably the lack of parking areas, delays in installing GPS beacons and the cost of transport between Kribi and Douala.
At the end of the discussions, Mr. Ibrahima Yaya, GTTC National President, announced the imminent setting up of an office of the organisation within the Kribi Port area. "We are considering setting up our office in Kribi precisely to ensure that the quality of service currently offered by the port is maintained," he said. This decision was welcomed by the PAK. Also, Mr. Michael Mama, PAK Operations Director (DEX), encouraged the GTTC to set up an online freight exchange, which should make it easier for them to match their offers to the shippers' needs.
Subsequently, Mr. Ibrahima Yaya announced that from 3 September 2020, a first fleet of about twenty vehicles belonging to GTTC members will be in the Kribi Port area to facilitate the transport of goods over short distances like dock-park and quay-warehouse-Kribi.
(Source: (Synthesis) online journal "Business in Cameroon", 27 august 2020)