Wood export
From 27 to 29 July 2020, Ebolowa in the South Region hosted a two-day training seminar for the staff of the ministries of Forestry and Wildlife, Agriculture, Cameroon Customs, timber export sector actors and various business persons. The objective of the seminar was to build the capacities of stakeholders on the use of e-force via the platform of the Foreign Trade Operations (GUCE) Single Window. The training was inspired by the latest measure of the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife relating to the electronic issuance of reports and potting certificates. Unfortunately, timber exporters are still struggling to adapt to this new paradigm of foreign trade.
For a better assimilation of procedures, GUCE has set up the single form, a digital solution that seeks to align the various parties involved in the export of timber to international digital requirements. According to Ginette Ngo Beke, Head of the Kribi GUCE Regional office, who moderated the training session, this tool helps to substantially reduce port dwell time and costs, thus guaranteeing performance in a constantly changing environment.
At the end of the seminar, participants resolved to fully exploit the technical potential of the e-Guce platform, accelerate the dematerialisation of the timber specification bulletin and integrate it into the foreign trade operations (e-force) single form, reduce potting time to the strict minimum for a field trip to take 48 hours.
(Source: Cameroon Business Today N o. 167 from 5 to 11 August 2020)